Monday, June 07, 2004

Almost there

Well, everything is about to start falling together. We leave tomorrow for California for 8 days, then back to Bloomington. We'll have 3 or 4 days to finish packing, and we'll leave on June 21st from our apartment for good. Driving to North Carolina, then back to Indianapolis - Anne's parents house. Then 2 days after we'll be gone for 3+ weeks of training in New York and family vacation in Michigan. Whew!

Please pray for us now - it's easy to be stressed out with all kinds of things to do. I'm feeling sick (Chris), and we don't have so much time for me to rest. Plus - we've been talking a lot about adjusting to all the changes going on and how we adjust to that. Pray for us, that we'd go to God with our struggles and anxious thoughts.

Back to packing.... :)

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