Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Solomon's Wisdom

So Chris and I decided to lead a bible study this year for some of our fellow staff. We did this in Bloomington, too, and really enjoyed doing it, so we're taking it on again. So far we've met a few times and we're studying Ecclesiastes. Our goal is to open the Bible, read it, and talk about it. It's just a simple time to come and eat and talk. Honestly, I thought the book was all about wisdom, and how things are meaningless! There is much more to be learned, as we've noticed over the past few weeks. We're also making dinner for them, too, which is a huge blessing especially to those who are coaching high school sports who make it to our place just in time after practice. I LOVE being able to do this for people, and Chris is doing a great job guiding our study through the Bible. Stay tuned for more:).

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