Wednesday, January 31, 2007


of a hopeless furniture rearranger. I did it AGAIN today.

Yes, that's me. I am publicly confessing that I LOVE to rearrange furniture, it's actually a hobby. Small scale or large. Rugs and couches. Containers and cereal boxes. Speakers and plants. Take your pick! I've rearranged it at least a couple times in our 900 square foot flat downtown Vienna.

Our living room has had 5 different arrangements since we moved here in August of 2004. I've rearranged Cole's room 3 times and the kitchen once. Our bedroom has only received minor alterations over our short stint here, yet those still count! Whew.

Each rearrangement has come for a purpose, just so you know. My hobby is goal oriented. The first time we (yes, WE) rearranged our living room because we bought a TV and needed the sitting furniture closer to the cable box. The second time my dad rearranged after I saw something in a magazine while they visited when Cole was born. The third time I rearranged to get the coffee table out of the middle of our living room so Cole could have a place to frolic and play. And today's had a dual purpose. I'm getting good at this stuff. The first purpose was to provide a place for the playpen to live in Cole's room. The second was to give Chris a comfortable place to do his accounting homework in our bedroom. See, it's strategic.

I think this hobby of mine drives Chris crazy, and is soon to drive Cole crazy once he figures it out. I constantly devise new ways to store our stuff, too, which leaves Chris looking for something in it's old location often (old is used very loosely here).

A couple good things emerge from my realization. One, I could call this hobby decorative creativity. Two, it's very very cheap. Rearrange what you already have and voila! A fresh look for 0 Euros. And three, I sure do keep our friends on their toes. Every time people come over they say, "Wow, you moved things around...again." I'm just helping them with their observation skills.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Haha! This made me laugh! Thanks!
