Monday, July 16, 2007

Wagon Surfing

No longer is the little red wagon just a place to relax. Now it's a place to surf!

Well, we're almost at the end of our Michigan vacation. It's been so much fun...and tiring, too. We've experienced some transition issues with Cole, mainly in the middle of the night. He's normally a great sleeper, but up here, I think he's slept through the night maybe three times out of our whole ten days here. We think it's because we've slept in four different places over the last month for a week or two at a time, and he's just a little guy feeling fed up with these changes. He doesn't have his normal toys, bed, or schedule really, so even though he's only 16 months, we think this moving thing is affecting him on a few levels. The good news is that he's been so happy during the day and he's taken great naps. He rode on a waverunner today, and he played in the water at the sand bar. We're really thankful to have such a flexible little guy during this crazy storm of transitions.

In other transitional news, we signed the agreement on our little red house, so we're close to being official homeowners. We close on August 2, and then we hope to move the last weekend of August after Chris returns from Vienna.
And last but definitely not least, I've noticed some differences in baby food in the USA. I'm used to feeding Cole pureed spinach, broccoli, and zucchini. In Vienna, these were some staples for us. I've been trying my best to sneak some veggies in Cole's food lately, and sometimes the puree is the best way. In the USA, though, my green choices have been peas and green beans. I miss Vienna for that reason already!


Christiane said...

have you tried making your own spinach, zucchini, etc? I've only tried making a few of my own things, mostly out of laziness, but it really is very easy. I use the blender, but they make a great little food mill too :)

Congrats on your house!!! It looks quaint and right up your style

Anonymous said...

Yay for the little red house! Where is it in Bloomington?