Friday, May 21, 2004


I had a conversation recently with a friend of mine, Robert. He likes to talk deeply about life. He had been listening to a series of tapes by a guy whose name I can't remember. Anyhow, the main point that I heard from Robert about those messages was our perspective. As believers in and followers of Jesus, our perspective can be either that of an orphan or that of a son/daughter. An orphan feels like they have to do everything to take care of themselves - safety, food, where to sleep, etc. A son trusts his dad to take care of it. An orphan doesn't trust others and is very protective. A son has learned trust by seeing the faithfulness of his father. An orphan doesn't like to allow people to go "deeper" into their life because of fear (rejection, hurt, failure, etc.).

Anyhow, it was a great topic to converse about and ponder. In what ways do I act like an orphan in my relationship with God? I think it's my default sometimes, to feel like I have to do everything and do it right in order for things to go well. I think that if I don't dot all my i's and cross all my t's and take care of every detail, everything will fall apart. WRONG. I need freedom. Lord, help me truly believe in my role as being your son, your child.

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