Tuesday, November 02, 2004


It seems like it's been forever since I've had a complete day that I feel good about. I didn't get frustrated with lesson plans, difficult students, reprimanded by Austrians ("schimpf-ing"), or just totally wiped out by a long day. I actually got home around 5pm. amazing. einfach erstaunlich.

so it seems wierd that it's election day in the US. There just isn't any hoopla about it here. Good thing - but they sure do talk about US politics here more than Austrian politics (as far as I can tell). Maybe it's more interesting or entertaining. It sells, I guess.

Anne and I went on a walk for an hour and a half or so around "the Ring". It's basically the city center that has one main street that goes all the way around it. We saw all kinds of cool restaurants, cafes, a music museum, some old churches, and of course some Leckerbissen.

What is Leckerbissen you ask? It's German for a "tasty treat" - e.g. ice cream at Zanoni and Zanoni. :) it's open 365 days a year!! see the picture above

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