Saturday, May 06, 2006

Weekend Highlights

Yesterday at VCS the elementary kids put on a Mother's Day Coffee. This event is one of the most highly attended events all year at school. Moms come and have breakfast with their kids and there is a small program made up of skits and songs that make moms cry:). It's a great thing. I had the privilege this year of being the MC of this event. I did it last year too, yet this year it took on new meaning because I too, am now in the mom club. The moms and students flocked to Cole yesterday morning! They loved hugging him and watching his faces. It's been amazing to me to see that people from many different cultures all react to babies the same way. They coo and cuddle and want to touch his tiny fingers and toes. What a testament to God's miracle of creating life. It spans cultures and languages.

Another highlight of our weekend is yet to come! The Vienna City Marathon is tomorrow. The course runs three times in our neighborhood, so we have a prime watching spot. Three of our friends at VCS are running it. We're armed with signs and cheering voices! Good luck Mike, Matt, and Lance!

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