Wednesday, January 17, 2007

What does Cole do all day?

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Cole has definitely kept us on our toes lately. He's pulling himself up on everything, crawling everywhere, opening drawers, perusing our DVD selection, and drumming. It seems like just overnight he turned out of a baby and into a little boy.
A few other things...
I've been listening to a book called Velvet Elvis, by Rob Bell, on my iPod. I'm hooked.
Chris and I have been trying to eat healthier lately.
At the top of our list? spinach, blueberries, flax seed, red peppers, oranges, and dried apricots
I took Cole to the doctor today. He weighed in at 23.1 pounds and 30 3/4 inches. The stairs up to our apartment are taking me longer and longer as Cole grows heavier and heavier. I can't wait for the day when he can walk up them himself. Then, though, the trek will take about 50 times longer I'm sure.
Tomorrow we're learning about the fruit of the Spirit LOVE in elementary chapel. Jesus showed love once by healing a man with leprosy and a paralytic, among others. He lived it. He didn't just feel it. Just like a balloon doesn't do much without air, we don't do much loving without God's Spirit in our hearts. So I'm going to show the kids a balloon, deflated and inflated. Piece of cake, huh?
That's all. Over and out good buddy.


Anonymous said...

Oh how wonderful... (everything... the chapel lesson... everything)... but in particular the Cole videos! So is this what I can expect when my little one learns to crawl?!? Crazy! One day he's just crawling... and the next day he's standing and getting in to everything. How fun!

Barnes Family said...

so fun to have so much movement out of Cole...even though it's more physically intensive. My advice-don't go overboard on the baby-proofing. teach him boundaries and stick with it even though it's harder now. you'll be glad you did later their self control comes out in other areas.