Monday, September 03, 2007

Living in Projectland

It seems like we're living in a wierd world called Projectland these days. Life isn't really normal, but full of neverending projects. But then again, we're in the process of creating a new normal since moving back from Vienna. We had planned to move into our house next weekend, assuming the floors would be dry from refinishing, the appliances delivered and hooked up, and the walls painted.
On the contrary! Chris has been in Bloomington since Saturday morning undertaking the huge project of refinishing our hardwood floors. We knew it would be a bear, but we didn't realize how BIG of a bear. This one is a grizzly. A mad one. The process is long and tedious, and once you start, there's no going back. Living in Projectland is quite unpredictable, so we're pushing everything back one week.
The good news is that the appliances ARE coming tomorrow, and the Insight man IS coming to install our internet and TV hookups. Next project: Buy a computer. We sold ours in Vienna.
Life in Projectland continues...
Yesterday Cole and I went to Lowe's to buy replacement floor register vents for our house, since ours are disgusting. That's an understatement. Come to find out, since our house is so old, replacements are extinct. So my new plan is to clean up our old vents and spray them with Rustoleum in a brown hammered color to match our floors and call it good.
And still very little painting has been finished, and our kitchen cabinets are without hardware so far. Holes need to be drilled and the wood needs to be cleaned.
I'm learning that being pregnant AND having Cole around are very good things, yet when we're trying to get a house ready to live in, those things pose significant disadvantages. I cannot do much. I have been painting with a mask, though, and when Cole is not around I can sweep up dust and garbage, clean, and organize for the start of the next big project. Hmm.
So my biggest lesson so far is that I just need more patience in this process. Patience for the unpredictability of house renovating. Life in Projectland seems demanding, yes, but exciting, too. I cannot wait to live in our project house!

One more thing...Chris is looking pretty hard for a job right now, too. It would be fabulous if he had never ending time and energy to work on our house, send out resumes, and make phone calls. Alas, Chris is tired. If you think to pray for his job search, we would LOVE that. Thank you!


Life is a Marathon said...

First, you should know you don’t know me personally, although Chris might remember me from church years ago. I got your link from Garret H’s blog. My name is Christina. I was friends with Heather M, Garret, Al & Elayne L, Adam F, Adam G, Wayne, etc. and a part of College Life when Dan the Hawk was around. Hopefully that’s clear as mud!!

Second, CONGRATULATIONS on being parents (and almost twice!!)! It’s something to catch up with people from years ago and see where their lives are now! Very exciting!! The last I heard, years ago, was that he was in Vienna…

Anyway, I thought I’d comment on your house project because I too recently completed (well, completed is a strong word!) a house renovation project. My husband and I did most of the work. We stained the wood floor, hung drywall in one of the bedrooms, tiled the kitchen (countertops, floors, dining area) and painted almost all the walls (and ceilings) inside and are still working on outside (summer, what can I say!?). We also hired some people to complete the tiling in the bathrooms, install an A/C, install some plumbing fixtures and the roof (although my husband did some of that himself too)… You get the idea. The biggest lesson I learned through this was plan on being delayed. Sorry to be a bummer! When we started painting outside, we foolishly thought it would take a weekend to finish… A year and a half later (we fit the rest of the work listed above in the middle, mind you – which we grossly underestimated also!), we’re still working on the eaves. It takes a lot of patience, diligence and prayer. I will pray for you! You are a brave and from the sound of it/evidently an extremely diligent woman!! And my second word of encouragement is that it is possible! It may not happen as quickly as you’d like, but the benefits are that you really know your house, you know what it takes to make things work (and how to get answers!) and you have a great sense of pride (not in a bad way!) when you’ve completed your goals! Every once in a while, my husband and I stop, and remember… Remember what the bathroom used to look like... When we had to go from one bathroom to wash our hands to another one to shower, etc. When the kitchen floor was just a tile diagram on a napkin. And when the exterior of the house was three different (ugly!) shades of green!!

Anyway, I wanted to let you know I feel your pain and I will pray. Take care! And I hope you don’t feel like I’m intruding!

Barnes Family said...

ugh. that's all i can say about resurfacing the floors. we went through that when we moved into our house. the one thing i remember the most is how much dust continued to "settle" afer having lived there for months. yes, that's right, i would find dust and dust and more dust from the floors still hanging around on windowsills and other odd places, like the slats of our closet doors. don't get too ahead on your painting or you might end up with dust stuck in it on your walls. just a thought. i know it's all gonna look great when it's finished. and it will be HOME!

Kels_Caleb said...

dude. chris. i bet that one guy at target would be ready to go to it with you again on who can sell the most target credit cards per day.
i still can't look that guy in the eye after i heard about his true hidden side. not that i've really been there for the past few years to look him in the eye but, yeah, you get my jidst. is that how you spell that word? i have no idea.