Thursday, August 21, 2008

The Hilarity Continues

So for those of you who thought to yourselves after reading The Pee Is Coming post, "Whatever, she's crazy!"  Think again!  Folks, the hilarity of Cole's toilet saga continues.   Read on...

We celebrated Cole's great accident-free day by going out for ice cream tonight after dinner.  He stayed dry the whole trip!  We got home and he used the toilet like a champ a few times (including obnoxious dancing, M&Ms, and nakedness) and then I put a diaper and his pajamas on him for bedtime thinking that we definitely shoot for too much in one day.  Diapers overnight for a while still.   So Chris and I put the boys to bed and cleaned up the kitchen and the yard like we normally do.  I sat down to read in the cozy green chair in our living room, and did so for a while enjoying the quietness of our house.   Then, around 9:30 p.m., I heard the door open to the boys' room.  Cole pranced out naked and shouted, "Mommy, the pee is coming!"  So we dashed to the bathroom and he peed, just like he had been all day long.   I did the victory dance, and then put his hard earned M&Ms next to his chair at the table.   Then as I walked into his dark room, I said, "Cole, let's put your diaper and pajamas back on."  I walked toward his bed thinking that he had stripped there.  Oh no.  He clearly redirected me to the closet.  He had put his diaper in the trash can and his pajamas in the dirty clothes basket!   What a little organizer!  So we pulled out the goods and in a flash Cole was back in bed.  I hope it's for the night this time.  I mean, really.   I never imagined potty training to be like this.  Hilarious!  


Jennifer Pedersen said...

Hi Anne,
I have been enjoying your blogs over the summer and these last couple have made me smile. I'm so glad Cole has decided he's ready and that he's making it "easier" than you thought it would be. It's so nice he's made such a great catch phrase for the occasion..."the pee is coming" so that everyone knows exactly what he needs! Don't hesitate to do the day and night all at's the only way to go as far as I'm need to drag it out and confuse the issue with more diapers or pull-ups. I did all four of mine day and night and after a couple days they had it down. The only thing I would do since I didn't cut down on their liquids before bed, is to take them zombie-like to the bathroom before I went to bed (which was pretty late...midnight, 1am). This allowed us to avoid any night time accidents and then after a week or so I knew they could hold it since their body was used to it. He'll be a pro before you know it! I'll see you soon.

The Larsons said...

Congrats! Definitely one of the many milestones of parenting...
I've been wondering, how do you teach the boys to aim? One of my friends finally decided to tell her son he had to sit because of all the "missing".