Thursday, January 22, 2004

Waiting Isn't Easy

I'm supposed to be getting a phone call any day now during lunch from Phil Paden. He's the director of Vienna Christian School. I found a spot where I could speak freely in the student union during lunch yesterday. The exact location is a secret, though, so don't ask me to give that away. :) So he didn't call yesterday or today - maybe tomorrow. Right now I'm feeling pulled in multiple directions - from VCS to Subway and back again. Back and forth, back and forth, back and back and back and forth.

That is a quote from something I just remembered from childhood. I used to go to the Orange County swap meet with my family. It's a sort of nicer flea market. Anyhow, there was this guy there all the time, and Asian guy. And he was selling this special slicer-dicer-cut up veggies special gizmo. And he was really fast doing his demonstration, using a back and forth movement with this slicer. And he would call one side of his tool New York, and the other one L.A. He'd say, "New York. L.A. Back and forth, back and forth, back and back and back and forth!" And slice stuff up with the same rhythm. It was cool and funny - and maybe you just had to be there to get it.

Now you've been able to follow along in the paths of Crispy's brain for the last couple of minutes!! How fun! :)

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