Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Quotes from Fourth Graders

Here are some quotes from my precious fourth graders. They never cease to amaze me with their innocence and vulnerability. I have always only heard of kids saying things like this, but it's real in my class. I believe it now! I just prayed with my good friend Jana this morning that we would have the faith to see the things God is doing in our students, and that he would show us how worth it it is to teach kids about having a relationship with Jesus. Read on...

"God has to have better technology than we do, because our highest thought is not even as good as his lowest." Nathan

"I'm not really sure I'm a Christian. How can I know for sure?" Benedict

"I think that being a non-believer sounds really fun. You can argue and you won't know that sinning is wrong." Kiseok

"I have so may questions about the Bible. It's so weird to believe." Benedict

"I think God doesn't want me to have all the things I want because they might not be good for me." Wulf

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