Thursday, October 19, 2006

Give Us Today

Our Daily Bread...

We're studying the Lord's Prayer in elementary chapel at VCS, and above you see today's lesson. The VCS elementary drama club did a great skit about how God provided food for thousands of people from a boy 's meager 2 fish and 5 loaves. Then, I shared about how God provided manna, quail, and water for the complainer Israelites as they traveled in the desert led by Moses. Two great reminders of true ways God provided for his people many years ago. I tried to communicate to the kids that when we feel like God will leave us hangin', we can remember these stories of God's provision, and trust that his promise to provide for us IS really true.
The kids at VCS have few visible needs, so it's hard to communicate to them about God as a provider. So we makeshifted. Instead of a need for lunch, maybe they need a good friend. Instead of a need for a winter coat or a backpack, maybe they need help with their multiplication facts.
All in all, the point of teaching in chapel is to fill kids' brains with truth from the Bible, and give them an opportunity to understand more about this Almighty God who, out of love, sent his son to die, so that WE could be free.
Chapel is such a fun way for me to still be involved at VCS this year. My 20 minutes make me the most part time staffer there is, but it's worth it.
Thanks for making it happen that the little Frank family can live and work in Austria. Your support is priceless to us.

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