Thursday, October 19, 2006

Learning Central

Behold the changing table in Cole's room! The missing left bin on the bottom holds toys.
The bottom right bin holds extra diapers and wipes. The bare necessities.

When the toy bin used to emerge from it's home, I would take out a toy or two for Cole to play with. I'd put those back and pull out news ones based on Cole's disinterest factor. Little mess. NOW, though, Cole pulls out each toy one by one. He holds it in his right hand, and he bangs it with his left. If sound comes out, he plays with it. If not, he tastes it. If it's chewy or satisfying to his ever teeth cutting gums, he gnaws it. If neither option is successful, he reaches into the bin for the next victim.

Chris and I continue to wonder and marvel at the fact that Cole learns and discovers so many new things every day. He knows now to tip the cup up and lean his head back to get water. He knows now to pick up the food on his tray and stuff it into his mouth, albeit he still doesn't know portion control. He knows how to bang Chris's drum to get sound to come out, and most often while playing with a spoon (since no eating happens unless we each have our own spoon) he knows which end brings food to the mouth.

Cole chooses his next victim from the toy bin.

The toys return home. We haven't learned yet how to return the toys to the bin. Another day, another lesson, I guess. For now, it's nap time.

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