Wednesday, April 04, 2007

I'm gonna git you

This is something I say to Cole a lot. It's a game that's developed between me and him since he learned to crawl pretty well. I used to use lots of voice inflection to make it really clear to him that I was going to crawl and "chase" him. Then he'd crawl away a little as I slowly followed him on my hands and knees. It'd last a couple seconds, and then he would sit up and look at me.

Now we've picked it up a notch. I pretty much just say "Cole" and look at him, and he gets it. Other times I say "Cole, I'm gonna get you" in a very normal, almost monotone voice. He starts to laugh and crawl away. He's getting fast and I have to work hard to catch him (if I'm crawling too). We've even played this a couple times now, with him walking, but he's still a little faster at crawling than walking.

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