Thursday, April 19, 2007


This week is Spiritual Emphasis Week at Vienna Christian School for the elementary kids. Jerry Jacoby and his wife, Michaella, have come for the week to have fun with the kids and talk to them about faith. Jerry writes silly songs and dresses up as Biblical characters with crazy voices. He also brought his chicken, Elmer, for the 3rd year in a row. He's a puppet! Below you see Jerry leading the kids in a song called Ruby Toobie Tango.
Otherwise, Cole and I have been spending lots of time at Prater, the park close to our apartment building. It's in full bloom now and jam packed with kids, bikers, rollerbladers, walkers, runners, and people lounging at outdoor cafes. Prater also has an amusement park connected to it, and the funniest thing is that Cole has been especially interested in the roller coaster. He'll walk right up to it and just watch. Now that he's walking, it's fun to take him out of the stroller and let him wander around after the things he finds exciting. The other day we sat and picked grass and daisies for about a half hour.
Chris and I have also been training for the Vienna Marathon Relay coming up next weekend. We are on a team of 4, where each person runs one part of the marathon to complete the whole race. So we've definitely been busy!

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