Thursday, January 03, 2008

And the answer is...

I am now dilated 3 centimeters, and we are scheduled for an induction tomorrow morning at 6 a.m. Yay!  Cole came with me to the doctor today, too, and he was fabulous!  He sucked on a lollipop and held my hand while standing on a chair next to the examining table.   He listened intently to the baby's heartbeat and whispered (after he took the lollipop out of his mouth), "mommy's sound."  Stay tuned!


Betsy said...


I'll be thinking of you tomorrow morning (I'll be up feeding Corinne at 6am!) I cannot wait to hear the baby news, the name, etc. I hope all goes smoothly. I'll be checking your blog!!

love, Betsy

Jenni said...

We'll be praying for you Anne! Can't wait to hear the news (by the way, i was a week overdue with jonah and had to be induced. Know the feeling!)