Monday, January 14, 2008

First Solo Day

I'm happy to report that my first day solo with the boys at home has been much better than I imagined...or dreaded!  I had nightmares of waking up late, only to find both boys screaming and hungry.  I imagined a toy (and other various kitchen utensils) eruption in my living room and kitchen, and being so exhausted that I'd fall asleep while nursing Max and Cole throwing his lunch all over the walls.  It's a good thing none of those things happened...not yet anyway!
I did wake up early enough to shower before the boys woke up, and managed to get Max fed and asleep in his bassinet so I could play with Cole uninterrupted for a little while. Cole only watched 1 episode of Caillou (his FAVORITE show), and we took a walk to visit the bunnies and the ferrets at the pet store close to our neighborhood.   I had some uninterrupted time with Max this afternoon, too, while he was awake and staring out our bedroom window.  That seems to be very entertaining these days!   
As I type both kids are sleeping, so I need to switch the laundry and sit down for a second! Chris comes home in a couple hours, and I'm beginning to think that this 2 kid life may not take me under after all! 


Betsy said...

That's great news! I'm so glad that things went well today, Anne. I've been thinking about you a lot. Sounds like you've got everything under control!

Kels_Caleb said...

good job, anne...
but, just so you know, it's okay to lose it once in awhile : )

Barnes Family said...

yay! so glad it went well. don't hesitate to ask for help, though, when the going gets a little crazy. my thoughts everyday..."people have done this for generations and have somehow made it through the days". you can too!

Jay & Jess said...

Go girl! I'm impressed!! Looks like you got a lot done today. And already venturing out to Target by yourself!?! Do you recover quicker after the second....I guess you have to, huh? No lounging in bed while baby sleeps! You're inspiring - I love it!!
Love, Jess