Wednesday, February 16, 2005


During Bible this morning, we talked about the time when Noah's descendants built the Tower of Babel to try to reach God and worship Him that way. God punished them, though, because of their disobedience, by confusing all of their languages from one into many. Imagine in a moment you and the 10 other people you invited over for dinner speak 10 different languages. It may be funny, but it may be stressful, too, and your party may be quickly over. So, as we were talking about this, a question came from Kiseok, a Korean boy, that has been continually coming up in my class......

Kiseok's words:
"I get where all the worlds' languages came from, but where did all the worlds' skin colors come from?"

My students are obviously confronted with this daily, unlike most Americans, because V.C.S. is so international. I couldn't answer his question, but other students tried with answers like, "black people got black because they live closer to the equator." Not quite.
To figure this out, I looked on the internet for some answers. I found out that the answer lies in genetics. Aha! I took a genetics class in college...something good comes from my zoology degree from Miami University!
So I read and printed this article about the biblical history of skin color, and just spent a few minutes explaining to Kiseok a simple punnett square (genetics term). He loved it! He asked more questions, and wanted to keep the article. I think the kid is a genius.

I LOVE this job. Thank you for being faithful supporters so I can do this.

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