Monday, August 22, 2005

Too Much Talking!

No, not from my fourth graders, because they haven't arrived yet. I have been the one doing too much talking. Whew! This year, as most of you know, a girl from Trinity International University, Elizabeth, is doing her student teaching requirement in my class at V.C.S. She has been here two weeks now, and we have spent every waking teaching moment together. Wow, there is so much to explain to someone who hasn't taught before. She's eager, ambitious, and willing to take on new tasks, but it's taking all I have to plow through all this information that normally just stays inside my head.
Also this year, since the fourth grade class grew, there is another fourth grade teacher, Tricia. She's from Santa Barbara, CA, and is more experienced than me. Shouldn't she be having the student teacher? Go figure. Anyway, the three of us have been talking, talking, talking so much, and today I hit my limit! Yikes! I need to listen, listen, listen from now on.
So school starts on Thursday, and we have half days Thursday and Friday. The full deal begins on Monday. I'm really looking forward to this year with new students and a new atmosphere. Please pray that Elizabeth, Tricia, and I can develop a good relationship and that the transitions between me and Elizabeth teaching would go smoothly. Thanks!

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