Tuesday, August 09, 2005

We got 'em!!!!

There's this small but important thing that everyone has to apply for when they stay in Austria for more than 90 days. No, it's not college. And it's not a loan. It's a visa! Well, we applied in February and were told that visas weren't being given out, but since we are Americans they would just overlook us. Maybe a year or 2 or 3 later we could get a visa. That makes life difficult in a few different ways.
Well, we are now a part of the avalanche of people from VCS that are getting their visas. We just got ours today!! That's a great thing and an answer to prayer. There was even this large man just inside the main door of the building where we got our visas that greeted us and asked us what we needed and where to go. He was really nice - and you'd have to know the Austrian culture to know how TOTALLY STRANGE it was for him to do that. Customer service is just not very important here. Plus I've been to quite a few of these buildings and other similar places and there is NEVER someone at the door to help, let alone a friendly helpful one.


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