Monday, March 27, 2006

Day Two

So, I just got home from being at the hospital all day with Anne and Cole. They're doing well - Cole looks better now that his head isn't so much of a conehead anymore. Anne is feeling great - even put on some of her own clothes.
We had a few visitors and phone calls, which we great.
Also, the weather today was amazing - probably 65 degrees, which is the warmest it's been in soooooo long. I'm sorta sad to say this as a SoCalifornian, but it felt HOT sitting in the sun and so nice. I used to think 65 was kinda cold.
I changed my first diaper and WOAH - it was a stinky nasty one. I think we let it go too long before checking. I realized today that his weight was actually 3.785 kg which means more like 8 pounds and 5 ounces I think.

Anyhow, I'm going to add a few pictures on top now. Enjoy.


Anonymous said...

What up dogs? We need to settle this once and for all . . . How much does Cole actually weight? Is he 3.875 kgs OR 3.785 kgs? The conversion is 2.2046 lbs per kilo. So go figure . . . VERY pleased to hear you are doing so well. Love you guys. GB (grandBob)

Anonymous said...

GB! I like the name.
OK, so the official weight is 3.785 kg. I guess that works out to about 8 pounds and 5.5 ounces. chris

Anonymous said...

WOWSERS!!! Hey, he's a doll! I'm so so so happy (and jealous!) for you Franks. We will have to call soon!!

Much love,
Sarah Hamner

Katie said...

You guys! He's amazing!!! I bet you're just glowing! You're parents now!!! :)

I soooooo wish that I could be there! Keep the pictures coming! It's almost just as good.

Love ya tons - and little Cole too,