Thursday, May 25, 2006

Spaghetti Science

Yesterday was Elementary Science Day at VCS. Cole & I took a trip to school to check out the kids' projects. The most interesting event I think is the Spaghetti Structure contest. Kids receive 1 box of Barilla spaghetti with which they are to build a structure using only glue that weighs 100 grams or less. The goal is to create a structure that will bear as much weight as possible. On the big day, the structures are tested by first applying a board. Then, a bucket with 2 kilograms of weight is placed on the board. Mr. Schwartz, our famous principal, then pours salt into the bucket until the spaghetti structure collapses. The bucket is weighed to determine how many kilgrams the structure held. The structure you see above weighs about 45 or50 grams and sustained 25 kilograms of weight before buckling under the pressure. It's a pretty amazing accomplishment for the 4th and 5th graders!

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