Max is doing great, too. He is eating well and sleeping well, except that he seems to like being awake most nights between 10 p.m. and 1 or 2 a.m. I've had to take him back to the doctor three times, too, since we left the hospital because his bilirubin levels were too high, which indicates jaundice. Today, the doctor finally gave us good news! Max has a normal bilirubin level and his weight is just 1 oz shy of his birth weight.
P.S. Notice Cole's pajamas. Thomas the Train. Size 2T. He's not going to be 2 until March, but these jammies need to be retired for Max. This kid is HUGE. And since bringing Max home, Cole seems even bigger to me. It's amazing the development that happens when kids are young. SO much in so little time. Wow!
I'm pretty sure Cole would get a tally for his midriff if he wore those pjs to VCS.
Wow, Anne...I can't believe Cole is growing out of 2T! We just put Rebecca in 3T a few months ago, and she IS three (almost). I remember than when we brought Kayley home Rebecca suddenly seemed huge to me, and Kayley seemed so small...she felt like she weighed nothing in comparison to Rebecca.
Hey Anne!
Last night I had one of those "2 kid" moments that only another mom of two kids would enjoy. Hadley was covered in syrup from supper so went straight to the tub. Theo needed to eat during that time so I was feeding him while Hadley was in the tub. I was feeling pretty on top of things until I heard Hadley, I pooped! :)
Needless to say, we were all glad to see Daddy come home later. :)
It's an adventure!
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