Sunday, January 20, 2008

The Weekend

Our weekend was pretty uneventful, although we did experience a few firsts.  Cole took a nap in his big boy bed on Saturday.  Max had his first real bath, complete with his Little Laker Fan towel.  Max also made his first trip to church, and he slept through the whole thing.   Cole actually initiated playing Legos with Max, too, but Max preferred to just watch.   It's been so nice having Chris home for a few days after my first week home alone with the boys! 


Jenni said...

Hi Anne! Congrats on Cole napping in his big boy bed! It's such a milestone and adjustment! Sounds like everything is going well with you guys... we'll be in your shoes in 7 short weeks! You will have to give me the inside pointers on how to handle a toddler and infant!!! :)

Jay & Jess said...

Wow - Target and church all by week 2!! I'm impressed! I guess you have to get back on your feet faster with the second one, eh? Well - great job - they're both so cute in their own ways.