Friday, January 13, 2006

Just call me...

the VCS Tax Guru.
I held a couple meetings this week to help out the VCS staff with their US taxes. Today was the bigger meeting with all the second year people - filing for 2004. How'd you manage that, Chris??? It's called an extension. It allows us to qualify for a credit for living outside the US. So I helped explain that and walked them through the form. Then I ended up helping a few others with the 1040 too.

It's funny, cause I never thought of myself as good at taxes. But I just know how to do the things that I've had to do myself. So I guess I can explain those things to others pretty well. It was fun, actually - but I still don't care for taxes that much. It bugs me when they say "to fill in this blank, see document 9312" Then I look at document 9312 and it's 80 pages long!! Ugh. Thanks Uncle Sammy.

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