Sunday, June 12, 2005

Chinese with Koreans

This weekend we had a great opportunity to have Chinese food with the Kim family. Kiseok and his brother Kiju have been at V.C.S. the past two years because their dad is a diplomat to the Korean Embassy. They recently found out they are moving back to Korea in July, so this was our farewell dinner. Kiseok was in my class this past year, and Kiju was in fifth grade. This was the third dinner this family has taken us out to, which shows their generosity! Things like this are just like a cherry on top of a super tasty ice cream sundae!
Here's just a few of Mr. Kim's jokes...
~We must have fruit tonight, because if not our night would be fruitless!
~Any time you come to Korea, we can have a Seoul Train!
We'll miss his kids...and his humor:).

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