Thursday, June 09, 2005

Paper Airplane

I am reading a book by Max Lucado entitled "It's Not About Me." As I was reading last night I was struck with a powerful illustration that I actually used when communicating my final words to my fourth graders today, on our last day of school.

Lucado posed this question: How are YOU and a paper airplane alike or different? Would you challenge the airplane to a game of one one one? Would you play a spelling game with it? Would you have a spitball contest with the plane?

The answer is of course not, but the point is this. We are infinitely more powerful than the plane, and it has no control or influence over us. We'd beat it hands down.

Lucado then explained that in light of the stark difference between us and paper airplanes, God is infinitely different than us. Why, then, do we try to compare ourselves to Him or what His hand has fashioned? Why, then, don't we seek to just know Him more? Instead, we think of what we can get from Him if we do this or that. How will we fare in this circumstance? If only God would rig it my way.

My whole point in saying this is is to challenge you to meditate on God's power. God is to you as you are to the paper airplane. Make sense?

We can try to compare ourselves to God, or even try to live life without Him, but when the rubber meets the road, we have no chance.

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