Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Food Dilemma

I am such a people pleaser. I want people to like me and respect the decisions I make. I am having such a dilemma right now. My pediatrician told me to start Cole on solid foods at 6 months. I really think Cole is ready for food now, though, and I'm ready for him to be ready. He's waking up early from naps hungry, once or twice at night to eat, and is just not satisfied. Baths and walks work to distract his hunger for a while. Ugg. I have read so much online and in books and I just don't know which camp to join. Do I wait or start now? I don't want my doctor to think I'm a crazy American who disregards her professional opinion, but I don't want to keep getting up at night, when for 2 months I thought we were out of that pattern! I don't want to starve Cole, either, and often I feel like I just can't keep up with him. He bit me 4 times today, too. That's not cool, Cole. Not cool.
So, the point is that I'm torn up about what to do. I want Cole to thrive, I want my doctor to be happy, and I want to sleep. My doctor is unfortunately on vacation until September 8. Tons of Austrians take holidays this time of year. I stress out about this so much. I need to pick a perspective instead of worrying what others will think. Sigh.


Barnes Family said...

anna banana,
cole's 5 mos, right? my ped said the same thing about my children...wait until 6 mos. however, cole looks to be a pretty heart fella-i started rowan at 5 mos on cereal and it made all the difference. he was an extremely hearty guy himself. i really think peds are trying to cover their tails with so much literature about not "creating" allergies for your children. however, you are the mom and you know your child much better than any ped. in my personal opinion-for what it's worth-you should give it a try and see if it helps. if it doesn't, you can discontinue it and wait it out til 6 mos. you're a great mom and not crazy and it's ok to stress a little bit about such things-he's YOUR BABY!

Anonymous said...

For what it's worth our pediatrician said we could start the girls on basic foods like rice cereal at 4 months.

Anonymous said...

Hi Anne!

I agree with Jen, you know your child better than anyone and you also know what's best. Trust your instincts. We did try cereal with both girls at 4 months. Nomi didn't take to it at all until 5+ months but Selah has enjoyed every bite from the moment I started. I've also tried oatmeal cereal, prunes and sweet potatoes and she's gobbled it all up. Every child is different. So, maybe give it a try and see what happens. If he's not ready, you'll know and you can wait it out. But if he is, it will most likely make all the difference. Good luck! Calley

Anonymous said...

Hey Anne!
Our Dr (in Vienna) didn't seem to think it mattered when I started Hadley with some cereal when she was 5 months (maybe closer to 5.5). And I did it without asking him! :) I think I'd be more concerned about him developing allergies if you guys had a family history of problems with that...
And, as you know, there are a million different opinions about everything when it comes to raising children...just have to do what you feel is best and trust that God's leading you- regardless of others having very different opinions. (That's STILL the hardest thing for me.)We miss you!
Lisa & Hadley